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What Should You Know About Traffic Law?

What is Traffic Law?

Traffic Law is a legal field that regulates, examines, and is commonly immersed within the wide range of automotive-related events, activity, and circumstances taking place on roadways within a specific country or nation. Due to the fact that the inclusion of activity involving motor vehicles is vast, subgenres exist within the realm of Traffic Law that retains focus on individual factors with regard to the various aspects and varieties of roadway-based activity.

Types of Traffic Law

The following are some examples of common traffic accidents and procedures that are covered within the realm of traffic law:

Fatal Traffic Accidents

Regardless of the expressed intent of those involved in a fatal traffic accident – both with regard to the victim and the responsible party – a fatal traffic accident is classified as an event involving one or more motor vehicles that has resulted in death.

As a result, the delineation between involuntary vehicular manslaughter – a fatal accident claim – an a murder charge – is expressly rooted in the use of a motor vehicle and traffic activity; the use of a vehicle to cause the intentional death of an individual is tried in a separate manner than an individual who involuntarily caused the death of another with regard to a traffic accident:

Sudden Death – with regard to a fatal traffic accident – is classified as the instantaneous death sustained as a result of the involvement in a traffic accident

Eventual Death - with regard to a fatal traffic accident – is classified as death sustained from the involvement in a traffic accident that is not instantaneous; a variety of elements can be examined with regard to a traffic accident resulting in the eventual death of an individual – typically, these include injuries of a fatal nature sustained as a result of the traffic accident in question

DWI and DUI Traffic Accidents

Driving while intoxicated (DWI) and driving while under the influence (DUI) are amongst the most common causes of vehicular injuries and traffic accidents. When an individual ingests illegal drugs, alcohol, or controlled-substances, their ability to safely operate a motor vehicle is impaired.

The legal limit permitted to operate a motor vehicle within legal traffic protocol varies from state to state,; should an individual’s blood alcohol content exceed the legal limit, their intoxicate state can contribute the severity of penalties and fines associated with a potential traffic accident.

Reckless Driving
Reckless driving is the unsafe or unlawful operation of a motor vehicle, which can consist of speeding, racing, cell-phone use while driving, distracted driving, and driving while tired. Due to the speed undertaken by vehicles on today’s roadways and traffic patterns, momentary aversion of one’s gaze from the road can result in a traffic accident.

Traffic Law and Process

The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is a general classification for the department that regulates legislation, process, protocol, and registration of all issues concerning the operation and maintenance of motor vehicles within the realm of traffic activity. Traffic and automotive-based legislation, such as vehicle registration, surcharges, and documentation are primarily handled by a state’s Department of Motor Vehicles or synonymous Department of Traffic.

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